

Darren Wilson resigns from Ferguson PD

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Darren Wilson resigned from the Ferguson Police Department, his attorney said Saturday according to The Associated Press.

Wilson, who is white, shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, who is black after a confrontation on Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting stirred protests throughout the region. 

After a three-month investigation, a grand jury decided not to charge Wilson with a crime. The findings were released Monday. The U.S. Department of Justice is still conducting a civil rights investigation

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles said in a press conference Sunday that Wilson will not receive a severance package. 

ABC News interviewed Wilson, and Wilson, 28, said he did not think he could safely be a police officer in Ferguson any longer. 

“I wanted to stay on the road for 30 years and then retire as sergeant and have a retirement,” Wilson said on ABC. “That’s all that I wanted.”

Wilson had not spoken to the media throughout the grand jury process. He had been on administrative leave throughout the process. The resignation begins immediately, according to the AP.

Protests have been taking place across the nation. On Friday, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon said he planned to call a special legislative session to help pay for the Missouri National Guard and state law enforcement to help pay for Ferguson-related obligations, according to CNN