

Ohio man survives overdose on railroad track, train running him over

Ohio man survives overdose on railroad track, train running him over

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio (AP) — Police say an Ohio man is lucky to be alive after he overdosed and fell in between a set of railroad tracks.

Fire officials say the 46-year-old man overdosed and fell on the tracks Friday night in Middletown. The conductor of a Norfolk-Southern train told police he saw the man lying in the tracks, but by the time he was able to stop all 26 rail cars had passed over him.

Middletown paramedics were able to revive the man with a dose of the opioid-overdose antidote naloxone. He has been taken to a nearby hospital, telling paramedics and officers he did not remember the train passing over him.

Police say the man has been charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespass and inducing panic.