

Ohio teen runs 5.5 miles to ask girl to prom


Joran Fuller, 17, ran through the streets of Findlay, Ohio spelling out the word "Prom?" in hopes of asking out classmate 16-year-old Claire Short. 

She said yes. 

Fuller used a running smartphone application to track his run through Findlay. After the run, he had Short pull up the app, which is how he popped the question to her. 

Short shared photos and screen shots of the run on her Twitter page, which has been shared more than 16,000 times. 

Fuller ran the 5.5-mile course in nearly 40 minutes. 

Fuller told ABC Newsthat the couple have received a lot of attention from classmates at Findlay High School.

"I'd seen on Strava some different Strava art things where in big cities cyclists would map out these big elaborate designs," Fuller said. "That inspired me a little bit but I'd never seen somebody do words."

Both Fuller and Short are runners. Fuller is a member of Findlay's cross country team, and Short is on the track and field squad, according to the school's athletics site.