

Women travel cross-country to attend Women's March on Washington

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Hundreds of thousands of people attended Donald Trump's inauguration as the 45th president of the United States Friday afternoon, but hundreds of thousands more are expected to flood the National Mall Saturday to protest him.

The Women's March on Washington is expected to draw around 200,000 people in the nation's capitol and potentially more than a million others in partner events across the country.

Jacque Burke and Sarah Jane Bye drove from Traverse City, Mich. to take part in the protest.

Bye says she is going to send a message that President Trump's rhetoric during the campaign and in the past is unacceptable.

"This is not ok," she said. "You cannot talk about women this way. You can’t treat women this way. You can’t cut them off during a debate. You can’t. You can't be this major bully on the playground. It’s not ok, and we as your mothers and sisters and lovers and friends and neighbors we are coming out to let you know you cannot act this way."

Bye and Burke say after the march they hope to have constructive dialogue with Trump supporters so both sides can understand where the other is coming from.

Burke says right now she feels dismissed by Trump supporters.

"Even if you think we’re overreacting and our feelings are not justified, understand that we have a reason for our feelings," Burke said. "Say 'I’m sorry that you feel this way. Your fears, I don’t think they’re merited. I promise you if they become real we will be there to help, stand beside you and fight for anything that might come about.' That’s just all I want."

Bye says her parents were activists so she grew up protesting. She says she's surprised with how much appeal the Women's March has had to those who have never been involved before.

"It used to be that just sort of the raging fanatical would go out there and protest now it’s like many people I know are going," she said.

Before leaving Michigan, both women painted protest signs with their kids to get them involved even though their children weren't making the trip.