

New committee formed to determine location of Buffalo train station


Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown announced a 17 member committee Tuesday that will work to determine the location of a new train station.

The announcement stems from Governor Andrew Cuomo's challenge to spend six months leading the effort to find the ideal location for a new station that will replace the aging structure on Exchange Street.

The Governor's administration will fund up to one million dollars for the complete study.

Mayor Brown stated, “I’m grateful to Governor Cuomo for asking me to Chair the process to find the right location for a new modern train station in Buffalo and we’re moving full steam ahead in our search for the best location for the train station.”

The committee will be coordinated by Robert Shibley, Professor and Dean of the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning.

The group will work in tandem with NYSDOT. A public hearing will be held within the next few weeks for all residents to have the opportunity to submit testimony related to potential sites across the City of Buffalo.