
New Era getting ready for Super Bowl spotlight


If you turn on the Super Bowl you'll surely notice someone on the field wearing a hat - and it was designed right here in Buffalo.

"I want them to have a feeling of pride, end of story," New Era Public Relations Director Dana Marciniak said. "That's what you should feel, that a company in their backyard has made it to that sideline."

New Era has exclusive rights with the National Football League, along with several other professional sports leagues. That makes them the only company to make the hats the players wear.

"It's a big week but all of the work for us has been done over the past couple months," Sr. Category Manager of the football Division Brian DeMartinis said. "Everything kind of comes to fruition. We've been working hard here for the last couple months."

The Buffalo based company has made more than 50 special hats for Super Bowl week and even has to make 288 champion hats for both teams. The team that loses will never see the champion hats, they are given to the league and eventually donated.

Which hat that is remains to be seen.