

NightClub shut down due to "dire emergency"

Buffalo Police ordered immediate closure on Monday
and last updated

A bar on W. Chippewa Street has been temporarily shut down following months of violent and disruptive incidents.

The Buffalo Police Department issued an immediate closure notice for NightClub on Monday, which is located near the intersection of W. Chippewa and Franklin Streets.  In the notice, the establishment's name is spelled "NiteClub".

Most recently, two fights broke out over the weekend.  In one incident early Saturday morning, a man was stabbed in the groin, thigh and arm during a fight inside the club.  Security staff used pepper spray to clear people out of the establishment, according to the closure notice issued to the club owners.  The following night, several more large fights broke out inside the club and spilled out onto the street.

The closure notice describes a scene so chaotic that shots were fired in a nearby parking lot.

In the Immediate Closure Notice, Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda describes the situation as a "dire emergency."

"We want patrons to be able to go to a bar or restaurant or other establishment, have a good time, leave go home and be OK," Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown told reporters Monday evening.

"But if the safety of patrons is threatened, if these establishments aren't doing their proper due diligence to keep their patrons safe, the City will step in," Brown said.

The New York State Liquor Authority has been contacted and notified of the immediate closure, according to the Mayor.  

NightClub can apply to re-open, which may or may not be approved.