

No more spending hours planning and packing lunches in Lackawanna


Over the summer, the Lackawanna City school district applied and was approved for the Community Eligibility Provision.

It’s a federal and state program that gives schools money back for meals.

This will be a big boost to getting kids out the door faster each morning and helping save some money when it comes to planning out those meals.

In a release thee district asks parents to help support this program by filling out a household income form.

“To ensure a student continues receiving free meals - and to ensure the free meal program can continue into the future - the District is requesting parents and guardians to complete and return a Household Income Form [lackawannaschools.org]. Grant noted completion of this form will help the District maximize the amount of state and federal aid that it receives, thereby maximizing the resources available to students.”

This program is for all students, not just those who have household income needs - the district says this will help eliminate some of the stigma that is associated with receiving aid.