

Nursing home residents allowed to return to facility

and last updated

Nursing home residents evacuated over structural concerns at their facility on Union Road in Cheektowaga have been allowed to return.

The McGuire Group, which owns the Garden Gate Nursing Home, says structural engineers, town officials and the state Department of Health inspected the facility and determined it was safe for the residents to return. More than 170 residents were brought back to the facility Saturday afternoon.

On Thursday, the ceiling of the nursing home was bowing in under the weight of the snow, forming cracks in the walls from stress. That prompted officials to order the facility be evacuated.

The nursing home is very close to a warehouse formerly owned by Rosa’s and currently owned by Dave’s Christmas Stores that had its roof collapse Wednesday morning. During that ordeal, nursing home residents were herded into the dining room of the facility as National Fuel investigated a possible gas leak.

Thursday several fire and rescue trucks were called in to transport approximately 180 residents to Appletree Business Park, where they were housed in the main corridor. Sadly, one resident, an elderly woman, died after bring transported to the business park.

After being organized into groups, the McGuire Group transported the residents from the business park to DeGraff Hospital and one of their four other nursing homes as part of a mutual aid plan.

An inspection Saturday revealed no structural damage and residents were returned to the facility.