

NY one of two states that tries juveniles as adults


New Yorkers came together in Albany Tuesday to advocate to raise the age of criminal responsibility for minors.

Governor Andrew Cuomo says 48 other states have raised the age and says the Senate should pass the proposal in New York as well.

Right now, 16- and 17-year-olds in New York state are automatically processed in the adult criminal justice system, no matter what the offense is. In fact, most of these teenagers have committed non-violent crimes, according to Governor Cuomo.

"This unfair practice places some of our youngest New Yorkers in a prison system where they are more likely to be assaulted, to be injured by prison staff, and to commit suicide than their peers processed as juveniles," said Governor Cuomo. "They are also far more likely to be re-arrested and re-incarcerated."

Governor Cuomo says if the age for criminal responsibility is raised, juveniles have a better chance at getting the intervention and rehabilitation they need and public safety can be increased for all New Yorkers.