

PARENTS: How healthy is the kids' menu?


The next time you take your kids out to eat, you may think twice about ordering from the kids' menu.  Research shows it may not be as healthy as you think.

A new study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found the nutritional quality of kids' meals often isn't great, especially when it comes to calories, saturated fat and sodium content.  Forty five restaurants agreed to participate in the study.

Researchers found that even though many restaurants have been working to improve the healthfulness of kids' meals, it's still hard to find truly healthy options.  The team found that the average kids' meal that comes with a drink, main meal, side dish and dessert has about 1,000 calories.

The study also found sugary drinks still make up 80% of the drink options for kids.

For more information on the study, click here.