

Pet food pantry helps pet owners in need

and last updated

If you have a pet you know the food can expensive. Mario's Pet Food Pantry is here to help.

In 2012 Paulette Coty, the creator of Mario's Pet Food Pantry, started assisting Niagara County pet owners in the memory of her son, Mario, who loved all pets.

"That is why I wake up every morning," Coty said. "I think of the animals and think of my son and do it for him."

The project was designed to help active and retired military, shut-ins and people who have fallen on hard times.

"Food price is off the charts now. A lot of people can't afford it."

Coty has opened four locations and says more and more people are coming each and every week.

"(We've) gone from feeding say ten people a week to feeding 50, 75 and at some locations 100 people every two weeks."

Mario's Pet Food Pantry assists all of Niagara County.

"Nobody is refused. As long as I get the food I will offer it to them no matter where they live."

But times can be tough. The pantry rarely has fully stocked shelves of pet food. Coty says cat and dog food goes out quicker than it comes in to those who need some extra kibble.

If you're interested in donating you can contact Mario's Pet Food Pantry at 716-465-3654 or email Paulette at Pcoty@roadrunner.com.

In North Tonawanda specifically you can pick up or drop off food every Friday from 11 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. at the farmers market off Robinson Street and Payne Avenue.

If you plan on accepting more than one bag of food for multiple pets you must present a military identification card or some sort of government benefits ID.