

5 facing drug charges after mobile homes raided


Three people living in two different trailers in the same mobile home park on the Southern Tier and two people seen driving near the park are facing drug charges.

Wednesday afternoon, the Jamestown Metro Drug Task Force raided two trailers in the Falconer Mobile Home Park on East Elmwood Avenue.

In Unit 8, officers say they found methamphetamine and took into custody 34-year-old Christopher John and 28-year-old Jacob Meier, both of whom are charged with third degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and criminal use of drug paraphernalia.

In a separate raid, officers arrested 19-year-old Savanna Myers in Unit 17, where officers say they found methamphetamine. She is charged with seventh degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and criminal use of drug paraphernalia.

While the raids were going on, Ellicott Police stopped a vehicle that appeared to have switched plates. Inside the vehicle, officers say they found hypodermic needles and three pipes used for smoking methamphetamine.

Samantha Myers, 20, was arrested and charged with criminal possession of hypodermic needles and 27-year-old Angela Wicks was arrested and charged with seventh degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.




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