

Higher bail, more charges for man in jail attack


A man already in jail on assault charges won’t be getting out any time soon because he keeps attacking corrections officers, according to the sheriff’s office.

Adam Aguardo, 27, was originally locked up on a charge of third degree assault in October 2015, when he was accused of punching a man in the face at the Sportsman’s Club in the Village of Perry.

But three months later, his bail went from $2,500 to $52,500 when he allegedly assaulted a corrections officer while in the Wyoming County Jail.

Deputies say the officer suffered a dislocated soldier. Aguado was additionally charged with two counts of second degree assault.

Now, just days after turning 27-years-old, Aguado’s bail stands at $102,500 for allegedly attacking four more corrections officers.

On April 29, deputies say Aguado was assigned to another cell block and physically attacked the officers who were trying to move him, giving them all cuts, bruises and scrapes in the process.

Aguado was charged with another four counts of second degree assault.