

Police: Woman stole 73-year-old victim's purse


A woman who allegedly stole a purse from a 73-year-old woman has been caught, thanks to Channel 7 viewers.

Detectives in the City of Tonawanda released this surveillance picture of the crime, which happened May 12th at a fast-food restaurant. The elderly woman had left her purse on a table.

Captain Fredric Foels says after the story aired on Channel 7, detectives received numerous calls, including one from the suspect herself, who said, “I heard you’re looking for me.”

The suspect, Skye Mcgraw of Kenmore, and co-defendant, Shaun Galvin, 30, of Tonawanda, were both arrested Tuesday night and charged with larceny.

Police say McGraw grabbed the purse and took $70, $20 of which Galvin took for bus fare downtown.

Officers later found the empty purse in a dumpster.

Both suspects are due back in court later this month.