

‘It's going to be a loss of power for our region’: Community reacts to Brian Higgins resigning

"I would like somebody that has a broader experience”
and last updated

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) — Now that U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins has announced he will be resigning his seat in February, 7 News Senior Reporter Eileen Buckley ventured throughout the 26th Congressional District to find out from people who live in the district what their thoughts are for the future.

Congressman Higgins has been serving Western New York since 2005 but announced Sunday that he plans to call it quits.

I started tracing the voices of the 26th Congressional District in the heart of Buffalo's east side.

Larry Stitts owns the Golden Cup Coffee Company on Jefferson Avenue.

Larry Stitts owns the Golden Cup Coffee Company on Jefferson Avenue.

“It's going to be a loss of power for our region because as you know in the House or the Senate, the longer you're there, the more power he kind of have,” noted Stitts.

Stitts told me the next congressional leader in his district needs to focus on bringing back small businesses.

“Small businesses are the backbone of this country. Without the small businesses, where will we be and I think that whoever goes in next should have on their agenda to advocate for small business,” Stitts noted.

Jefferson Avenue on Buffalo's east side.

“I know we want someone who can balance a progressive future always looking to develop, but also keeping restoring the good parts of Buffalo’s historic parts,” remarked Matthew Nash, Buffalo resident.

I caught up with Buffalo resident Matthew Nash in the heart of the Elmwood Village. Nash tells me the next congressional leader must pay attention to inequities in the city.

Matthew Nash, Buffalo resident.

"There are parts of Buffalo that are fairly neglected. I think that anybody who drives can see certain neighborhoods that aren't as funded as they should be. We're standing in a very beautiful part of Buffalo, and I love it here but definitely could see a better redistribution for helping parts of the city,” Nash replied.

The 26th district stretches into Niagara County, so I traveled into the Village of Lewiston to talk with community members.

"I would like somebody that has a broader experience,” Kathy Gerbasi, resident, Town of Lewiston.

“I think he did a reasonable job, but I am a little surprised to resign him before his term is up,” commented Thomas Gerbasi, resident, town of Lewiston.

Kathy and Thomas Gerbasi are Town of Lewiston residents.

Kathy and Thomas Gerbasi are Town of Lewiston residents. They say the next leader to represent their district needs to have a better understanding of rural communities.

“Someone that's more aware of what our issues are out here, you know, employment and environmental concerns,” reflected Kathy Gerbasi.

Village of Lewiston.

“There’s a huge need for medical services out here, and people are very Buffalo-centric, and I don't know that they are city-centric. I don't think they understand the whole issue,” responded Thomas Gerbasi. “There's rural issues and I don't think that they're really in tune with the rural nature of this area.”

Others, like Mike from Lewiston, hope in the future, the Republican party will present a candidate for this deep-blue district.

Mike is a Lewiston resident.

“What are your thoughts on Congressman Brian saying he's going to resign?” Buckley asked. “He could stay another two months and just see it out instead of having a special election, but that's what I learned to expect from Democrats,” answered Mike.

But it was Judy Doud of Williamsville who delivered a very profound response to what she wants from her next representative in Washington.

Judy Doud, Williamsville resident.

“Freedom. Our freedom — that's what we need to keep. We can't lose it,” Doud declared.