

Progress Report: Will Oishei Children's Hospital open on time?


The clock is ticking and we are inching closer to the grand opening of the new Oishei Children's Hospital. 

The 12 floor, 185 bed facility on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus is set to open November 10th at 7AM. It will replace the current Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo on Bryant Street.

Whether it's pouring cement on the parking garage, or preparing the state-of-the-art patient rooms, construction continues inside and out of the hospital. 

It's taken crews more than two years to get this far. But, now we're down to the wire for the hospital's grand opening. “We're two weeks, less than two weeks away from the move,” said Kaleida Health Spokesman, Michael Hughes. “We're in the final hours and we're working hard to make sure the building is ready.”

There's curtains to hang and walls to paint on the fourth floor. Reps told 7 Eyewitness News it's all about the last-minute details. Although none would prevent the hospital from opening on November 10.

Things on the fifth floor are pretty much in working order. You might even recognize the stained glass hanging in Libby’s Chapel. It was previously hung in the old hospital. It's one of the few things being reused in the new space.

“It's the same level of care which has been great. We're just changing locations,” Hughes added.