

Sen. Schumer calls for federal action to fix Route 5


The nation's top Democrat is urging federal authorities to take action and fix the major problems with Route 5 in Hamburg.

Senator Charles Schumer wrote a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asking that it meet with local elected officials and constituents in Hamburg to address serious concerns about the condition of Old Lake Shore Road.

Route 5 is crumbling due to constant erosion from Lake Erie. Senator Schumer says the road has deteriorated to the point that the guardrail has detached from the land, leaving no protection for drivers.

Earlier this week, Erie County Legislator Lynne Dixon asked the Senator to find additional federal money to fix the problem.

In the senator's letter, he writes, "I will continue to fight for funding and resources for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete important infrastructure projects like this throughout New York State and the nation."