

Seven undocumented workers in custody after anonymous tip


U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested seven undocumented workers on Grand Island Wednesday after an anonymous call of up to 20 immigrants at an address on Long Road Tuesday.

In response to the call, the Buffalo Border Patrol Station increased its patrols in the area, according to Border Patrol agents.

Agents say they saw two vans pull into a local food chain restaurant on Grand Island Boulevard Tuesday. When agents approached four occupants from one of the vans, two tried fleeing on foot and were later arrested at a drug store close by. All four people in the van were questioned and determined to be in the country illegally.

Other agents approached the second van and found six people. One person was determined to be a United States citizen and released at the scene. The other people were taken to the Buffalo Border Patrol Station for processing. Agents found another person was a citizen and released, and third person was registered as a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and also released.

Through a records check, Border Patrol found that one of the immigrants from Mexico was a convicted sex offender in North Carolina in 2008. He was deported shortly after his conviction and then re-entered the country illegally.

A total of seven men were are being held for immigration proceedings. Five of the men are from Mexico, two are from Honduras.