

Should driving with snow lead to a fine?


For late November, Tuesday was a pretty nice day. Minus one little hiccup, Lake Erie’s lake effect snow machine has been kind to us so far. That’s bound to change.

With that change, some state legislators are trying to make not clearing your car, including your roof, a fineable offense. A bill like this has been proposed a handful of times over the last couple of years. It’s always failed. 

“Western New Yorkers, we know how to clean our cars off,” said Assemblyman Stephen Hawley of Batavia.

Assemblyman Hawley is trying to prevent a similar bill from being reintroduced this year in Albany.
He says people don't need the state to tell them to brush their cars off.

Bills proposed in years past have anywhere from a $150-$300 fine and over $1,000 fine for truckers for having more than 3 inches of snow on their vehicle. Some say the fine should go up, if the extra snow causes an injury or damage.
Simply, the idea of a bill like this is to make hazardous road conditions, less hazardous.

For now, no snow exists, at least in Buffalo, and no law exists. But, the push for making driving with snow on your car a finable offense, will continue in the upcoming session.