

Signs of support for first responders after Lackawanna fire


"We're thrilled that our houses were safe, and nobody lost any property here," said Sandy Yeager.

Yeager has lived a couple of houses down from the Bethlehem Steel Plant for forty years. After the large Lackawanna fire and the quick response from first responders, she's glad she gets more time in her treasured home.

"For a while we didn't know how big it was going to be or how far it was going to spread," said Sandy.

She's not the only one. Signs have been put up near the site, thanking first responders for their hard and efficient work, day and night.

"Right now I see these poor guys freezing their backsides off and I mean, it's cold down there... they did a heck of a job," said Butch Yeager, Sandy's husband.

A job that has taken days, and is still ongoing. Butch Yeager and his wife, Sandy, were not home when evacuations took place, and returned to their house, not knowing they had to leave. Staying indoors through the fire, witnessing everything from their living room.

"You could see out the window and you could see debris falling in the lawn in the neighborhood, just big pieces of ash," said Sandy. "The roof was cherry red... it was so hot. Eventually the roof collapsed into the building."

"I'm just glad that nobody got hurt," said Butch. "With a big fire like this, it's really scary."

7 Eyewitness News interviewed their son, also called Butch, as the fire was still burning. He showed us the extensive amount of soot covering their home. Now, the next step is not only tearing down the old Bethlehem Steel site, but for residents,t o clean up what's left behind.