

SP warn parents about the dangers of inhaling compressed air


State Police responded to the Clarence Walmart parking lot after a report of an unconscious man in a car.

Troopers say the 29-year-old man was not able to communicate and unaware of his surroundings.

Twin City Emergency Medical Services evaluated the man, according to officials. Police say he eventually became coherent and declined further treatment. He was taken home by a family member.

Police say the man bought four cans of compressed air and was inhaling them.

According to troopers, most brands that sell the product have dangerous propellant gases such as fluorinated hydrocarbon that can cause paralysis and euphoria when inhaled. Inhaling these gases can cause damage to the brain, heart, lungs and even cause death, according to officials.

State Police say these cases are rare but warn parents of the dangers of abuse of these easily attainable products.