

Speed humps installed in high speed areas to improve neighborhood safety


"I feel more comfortable, you know," Robert Farabee, Newburgh Avenue neighbor, said.

Mayor Byron Brown announced the pilot phase of new speed hump installation on Newburgh Avenue  on Wednesday, part of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program.

This initiative is part of Mayor Brown's joint traffic-safety initiative between the Department of Public Works and Buffalo Police to slow traffic in high speed areas of Buffalo. 

Newburgh Avenue is the first to receive a speed hump and four other locations are part of this initiative, including: Woodward Avenue, Bissell Avenue, Florida Street, and Roesch Avenue. 

Speed humps are being installed in these areas because of 311 and 911 calls, as well as neighborhood complaints of high speed traffic.

The rubber speed humps are temporary and will be removed once snow begins to fall and will be re-installed in the spring.

Newburgh Avenue neighbors say cars speed up to 60 miles per hour in a 30 speed zone.