

May is "Learn to Fly" month

Starting pay between $50,000-$60,000
and last updated

Are you still in school and still undecided about what you want to do with your life?  Did you know there is now a shortage of pilots in the United States?

For decades most commercial pilots came out of the Military, but now even the services are short on pilots and they're offering incentives to stay in.  Regional airlines were famous for paying low wages but now with the pickings being slim, they too are paying a lot more, up to $60,000 a year to start.

May is "Learn to Fly" month and flying schools all over the country are holding open houses to try and get young people to come in and find out more about a career in aviation.

Prior Aviation at the Buffalo-Niagara Int'l Airport will hold its event on Saturday May 13th from 10 am till 2pm.  You can learn more by calling them at 716-633-1000