

Gov. Hochul announces additional $2 million to support Afghan evacuees resettling in NYS

Kathy Hochul

NEW YORK (WKBW) — Tuesday New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced an additional $2 million to support Afghan evacuees resettling in the state.

The total state commitment is now $5 million as a $3 million commitment was previously announced.

The governor's office said the funds will be administered through the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance's (OTDA) New York State Enhanced Services to Refugees Program (NYSESRP) and distributed to more than one dozen nonprofit partners throughout the state providing assistance.

For generations, immigrants have come to New York and the U.S. seeking freedom and opportunity—their contributions defining and strengthening the fabric of our state and nation. With Afghan evacuees fleeing widespread instability in their own country, New York State is proud to take a leading role in the massive resettlement effort, and with this historic, first-of-its-kind investment, we will connect people with the support they need to flourish in their new home. I also thank President Biden and Governor Markell for their efforts welcoming our friends and allies to our shores.
- Gov. Hochul

In September the U.S. Department of State's Afghan Placement and Assistance Program informed New York State that many as 1,143 Afghan evacuees could be resettled in communities throughout the state over a six month period with up to 335 expected in Buffalo.

In a release from the governor's office Tuesday, the state said 1,790 Afghan evacuees have arrived or will arrive in the coming months with 495 expected in Buffalo.

The additional funding will help support:

  • Culturally competent orientations to help individuals and families acclimate to life in New York State.  
  • Additional support to help access mental health services to address recently experienced trauma.  
  • English language instruction.  
  • Access to job training and job placement services.  
  • Case-management to ensure children are enrolled in school and accessing services to support academic success.  
  • Help obtaining necessary benefits and drivers licenses.  
  • Other services that meet the needs of the individual or family so they can attain economic independence and thrive.

One family that left Afghanistan shared their story with 7ABC.

Local organizations are looking to raise $750,000 to support the Afghan evacuees coming to Buffalo, you can find more information and what you can do to help here.