

Keep Kids Fed Act officially signed into law

This bill keeps school meals free for over 800,000 New York students
California just passed a law guaranteeing all students lunch at school

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer announced Monday the signing of the bipartisan Keep Kids Fed Act into law.

This legislation extends child nutrition waivers and essential funding to schools and daycares that provide students with free meals.

In 2020, Congress authorized the United States Department of Agriculture to waive school meal program requirements so schools could continue to feed children throughout the pandemic.

According to a recent survey by the Department of Agriculture, 90 percent of school districts depended on these waivers to offer free meals, with 92 percent experiencing supply chain issues and staffing challenges within their nutrition programs.

The fully paid for Keep Kids Fed Act extends these waivers that were set to expire at the end of June, protecting summer meal programs.