

Mayor Brown: I have not been subpoenaed

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Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown is finally commenting on the ongoing investigation surrounding the Buffalo Billion.

The U.S. Attorney's Office is raising questions about improper lobbying, conflicts of interest, and missing bid contracts. The office is investigating whether companies that were awarded contracts through the Buffalo Billion made campaign contributions to Governor Andrew Cuomo or lobbying payments to one of the Governor's former aides, Joseph Percoco.

Mayor Brown said he doesn't believe the projects set to be funded by the Buffalo Billion will be impacted by the investigation.

"All of the Buffalo Billion projects are moving forward well," Brown said. "They are delivering the resources and that they're expected to deliver."

Brown said neither he nor his office has received a subpoena related to the investigation from the U.S. Attorney's Office. The mayor's former aide, Peter Cutler, said he has received a subpoena and will fully cooperate with investigators.