

New York State to provide landlords with $125 million in rent relief


NEW YORK (WKBW) — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that the state is providing $125 million in rent relief funding to landlords.

The governor's office says the Landlord Rental Assistance Program provides up to 12 months of past-due rent to landlords who are ineligible for the federally funded program because their tenants either declined to complete an application or vacated the residence with arrears.

"Getting pandemic relief money out the door to New Yorkers has been a top priority for my administration since day one," Governor Hochul said. "I am proud that our state's rental assistance program has already provided much needed relief to tens of thousands of New Yorkers, but there are still many small landlords ineligible for that relief because of federal rules who also need our help. This funding is a critical tool to close that gap and help more New Yorkers recover from the pandemic."

Landlords who are eligible must own units leased for at or below 150 percent of fair market rent for their location and must have documented the rental arrears accumulated after March 1, 2020 that are owed by a tenant who either vacated the unit or is declining to participate in the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

Landlords can apply by clicking here.