

NY AG takes action to crack down on those illegally selling and advertising ghost gun parts


NEW YORK (WKBW) — New York Attorney General Letitia James announced her office has taken action to crack down on those illegally selling and advertising ghost gun parts.

According to a release, an investigation by the Office of the Attorney General found that 28 firearms sellers across the state advertised and/or offered to sell one or more unfinished frames, receivers, and/or kits containing both.

The OAG said nine of these businesses are in Western New York and in cease-and-desist letters to all 28 businesses AG James ordered the businesses to immediately stop advertising and selling the prohibited parts and warned of the legal consequences if they do not comply.

“Ghost guns are fueling the flames of the gun violence epidemic, and we will not sit idly as they proliferate in our streets and devastate communities. “Across the nation, too many lives are being lost because of these untraceable and unregistered weapons that anyone can get their hands on without a background check. We are not going to wait for another tragedy, my office is taking action to crack down on gun sellers that are illegally advertising ghost guns. If gun sellers do not comply with the law, they will face the full force of my office.”
- Attorney General James