

Sen. Schumer details how the infrastructure bill will impact New York State


NEW YORK (WKBW) — The House of Representatives passed a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill Friday which will now be sent to President Joe Biden's desk.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D - NY) has detailed how the bill will impact New York State.

Whether it’s our mass transit system, critical bridges or highway repairs, fixing our subway tunnels, safety improvements at our airports, bridging the digital divide, or ensuring clean drinking water for all, this bill will rebuild and revive the Empire State’s infrastructure and create good paying jobs for communities that need it most.
- Sen. Schumer

Highway Funding:
Specifically for New York:

  • $11.5 billion for the usual reauthorization apportionments
  • $142 million for EV charging infrastructure
  • $1.9 billion from a new vehicular bridge repair formula program

Airport funding: $937,030,865

    Rail Funding: $59 billion

    Billions to address water contaminants:

    • Billions for the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds 
    • $15 billion carve out within the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to replace lead service lines 
    • $10 billion in grants to address emerging contaminants

    Electric Vehicle Infrastructure:

    • $7.5 billion to build out a national network of EV chargers. 
    • $5 billion will be dedicated to replacing public transportation like buses with zero-emission vehicles, including electric school buses.

    Closes federal loopholes on limo safety:
    1. Establish a program to provide funding for states to impound unsafe vehicles;
    2. Mandate that the Department of Transportation (DOT) establish a mandatory annual inspection regime;
    3. Conduct formal research and rulemaking on limo side-impact protection, roof crush assistance, and airbag systems;
    4. Conduct formal research and rule making on how to evacuate limo passengers more easily and safely in emergency situations;
    5. Mandate limo operators conspicuously share their vehicle inspection history with prospective customers;
    6. Create a formal definition of a limousine in federal statute, making it easier to create safety standards for this type of vehicle.

    High-Speed Internet: $65 billion available nationally

    Eliminating Pollution in NY: Billions of dollars in funding to remediate pollution throughout New York.