

Stella is turning the tables and giving back to the community that has given her so much

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It's the season of giving and Stella Usiak is giving back to the community that has helped her for years.

Usiak, 15, was diagnosed with leukemia seven years ago. Since then, the Western New York community has rallied behind creating an organization called Stella's Warriors. It raises money for Usiak's medical costs among other things.

Now, Usiak wants to say thank you to all the people that have supported her and her family throughout the past few years.

“Her family wanted to kinda give something back to the community and we came up with this backpack thing," Anne Marie DiMino-Hepfer, a spokesperson for the Stella's Warriors organization, said.

They are filling 200 backpacks with warm clothes, toiletries, and snacks for the homeless. They will give them out on Thanksgiving.



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