

Strike to continue Women's March movement

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It has been almost three weeks since hundreds of thousands of women came together to march in Washington D.C. and in cities across the country. We now have an idea of the movement's next steps.

After hundreds of thousands filled the streets for women's marches across the country, many eagerly anticipated what would be next. This week, a tweet from national organizers provides that answer. A general strike, A Day Without a Woman. Date to be announced.

Jessica Rogers is one of four women who organized the Women's March in Denver. She says she initially had concerns about taking off of work, but says that's not necessarily what the strike is calling women to do.

"It's not about not participating in your life or your job that day," Rogers say. "It's about not participating in the things that typically we take for granted that feed our economy and the people that are paying into these politicians."

One way women can strike Rogers says, is economically.

"Not shopping that day," Rogers says. "Not shopping online, maybe not even going to the grocery store, but really economically striking."

From the movement to delete Uber, to Nordstrom dropping Ivanka Trump's clothing line, it's something she says can make a big impression.

"We're starting to really realize how much power is in our wallets, more so unfortunately than in our votes," Rogers says. "So I think it will have a very big impact."

Like the marches, Rogers says ultimately it will be up to each woman to determine how she will participate in the strike. But says she's happy to see this movement grow beyond a one day event.

"I do think what's going to come out of this is a strength and coalition that we haven't seen in a very long time," Rogers says.

Rogers says right now the details are still being finalized and there should be more concrete information in the next couple of weeks.