It’s not a new idea, but one woman wants to bring it back to the table.
Chris Hannotte Luly is a 15-year Hamburg resident and she’s calls herself a ‘Hamburger’. That’s why she’s spearheading a petition to paint the Hamburg water tower to resemble a grill favorite.
“I just want to give something back to ‘the town that friendship built’,” says Hannotte Luly. She says the hamburger painted water tower would create a destination and hopefully draw more tourists to the area.
The fading, rusting water tower is visible off the 90 and driving on Route 75. Terry Zittel of Amos Zittel & Sons has a perfect view of the water tower from the parking lot of Zittel’s Country Market on Southwestern Boulevard. Zittel says it’s an eyesore and in dire need of a makeover. “I think it would give us identity, it gives us a feeling of camaraderie and closeness and I think that’s not bad for a community.”
Hannotte Luly plans to present her plan to the town board in September. This project would not cost taxpayers any money, as she plans to fundraise the approximate cost of about $250,000 through corporate sponsors, grants and community support.
Wearing a felt hamburger hat, Hannotte Luly has been gathering signatures on her petition at the farmer’s market on weekends and has even started an online petition. She currently has more than 2,000 signatures.