

Teen sentenced for attempted murder of Buffalo Police Officer


19 year-old Andre Fuller was sentenced to 19 years in prison after the attempted murder of a Buffalo Police Officer.

In June of 2016, Fuller was spotted leaving the scene of a robbery. Three officers chased after Fuller and managed to wrestle the then 18 year-old to the ground.

In the scuffle, Fuller reached for a .45 caliber handgun and pushed it into the chest of Officer Anthony Fanara. He pulled the trigger twice. The gun's safety was on.

Officer Joseph Acquino managed to knock the gun from Fuller's hands. 

Officer Fanara addressed the courtroom before Fuller's sentencing, saying, "That night affected me forever. Not 15 years, not 20 years, not 60 years. In all actuality, I should not be here and it scares me to think that the only reason I am making this statement is because of a mechanical device on a weapon." He asked the judge to sentence Fuller to the maximum of 20 years.

Judge Thomas Franczyck said he didn't think Fuller sensed any remorse and sentenced the teen to 19 years in prison and five years of post-release supervision.

Erie County District Attorney John Flynn said after the sentence, "When an individual takes it upon himself to harm a police officer, especially pulling a gun out and putting it to his chest and pulling the trigger, that individual is going to be dealt with severely."