

The 8 biggest weather events across the US in 2017

and last updated

If any one type of weather activity made the most headlines in 2017, hurricanes top the list, with wildfires coming in a close second. Watch the video above for all eight events across the United States.

Weather in 2017 got off to a deadly start with the third-worst winter tornado outbreak the United States has ever seen, and the tornadoes across Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia killed more people in the first month of 2017 than in all of 2016.

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The rest of the winter wasn't very winter-like either. Mild weather persisted for most of the country during the winter months, causing flowers, plants and trees to bloom early.

Unfortunately, a late freeze in March cost over a billion dollars to farmers in the Southeast.

A couple months later in midst of severe weather season, baseball sized hail rained down on Denver, which turned out to be Colorado's most expensive weather disaster in history, racking up a bill of more than $2 billion.

Hurricane season was up and running shortly after that, and this was one of the most active seasons on record, breaking a number of records, including three Category 4 U.S. landfalls in a single season.

And finally, wildfires have persisted across the country throughout the year with the West and Montana getting hit the hardest. This will likely be the third-worst year for most acres burned in the United States.

Weather was responsible for hundreds of deaths in 2017, and there were 15 billion-dollar weather disasters, the second most on record.

BONUS: The U.S. also witnessed a coast to coast Total Solar Eclipse this year

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