

The future of affordable housing in Buffalo


Becoming a home owner is the American Dream. For many low income Western New Yorkers that is all it is, a dream. It's a dream Buffalo Mayor, Byron Brown hopes to make a reality.

"Our ultimate goal is to build mixed used communities that people of various incomes levels can live in our neighborhoods across the city," Brown said.

The State of New York set aside $2.5 billion dollars for affordable housing in the newly passed budget.

"None of these dollars are available for people who want to build high income housing," NYS Assemblywoman, Crystal Peoples-Stokes said.

Several low-income and senior housing projects are currently in development stages on Buffalo's Eastside. Developers are turning Public School 57 into housing units for homeless women and children.

Still many are concerned about being priced out of their homes for gentrification. Lawmakers say they shouldn't worry because the affordable housing funding covers that too.

Mayor Brown worries that federal cuts to HUD could be a disaster for Buffalo. He said the city could lose as much as $18 million annually for affordable housing.

"We are watching this very closely. We've been reaching out to our congressional delegation. We've written letters to President Donald Trump," the mayor said.