According to Hawk Creek Education Director Tanya Lowe it is one of "the most colorful species of eagles in the world." She's referring to the Bateleur Eagle on loan from SIA: Comanche Nation Ethno-ornithological Initiative in Oklahoma. The bird's name "Mah Woo Meh" is the Comanche word for "one who changes form and shape."
The eagle is native to Africa and very rare. Tanya says its visit is special to her, adding "I've been captivated by them for over a decade. This is an incredible honor for me to work with this bird."
Tanya knew that she would have a career with birds ever since she saw a bird show at Sea World as a little girl. "I saw a woman walking around with an Eagle and told my grandmother I was going to do that and now I do."
The colorful eagle can be seen May 5th & 6th at Hawk Creek Wildlife Center's first open house of the season. Check out their website for all the details.