

Batavia teen selected as finalist in national invention contest

Frito-Lay picked top five out of 13,000 entries
and last updated

14-year-old Andrew Young is one step closer to $250,000. The Batavia teen has been named as a finalist in the nation-wide Dreamvention contest for the best new invention idea.

Nearly 13,000 entered the contest, and one winner will receive the $250,000 grand prize. Andrew is now  one of five finalists.  His invention, the “Toaster Shooter” originated from a time when Andrew observed his grandmother burn her fingers when attempting to remove toast from a hot toaster.

“I didn’t want my grandma to burn her fingers again so I came up with the idea for the Toaster Shooter”, said Andrew.  “It’s pretty cool that my invention was selected as one of the winners.”

The contest, sponsored by snack food giant Frito-Lay runs from October 23, 2017 through November 27, 2017.  The Dreamvention contest winner will be determined by the number of votes casted for each of the five finalists.

“We were so excited for Andrew when the finalists were announced”, said Denise Young, Andrew’s mother. “Andrew has always been a creative kid and dreams of attending M.I.T. one day.  Winning this contest would certainly help his dream come true”.

“Kids have a way of surprising you.  We’re just excited to watch Andrew go through this process.  I’m sure he’ll learn some valuable life lessons, when all is said and done,” said Andrew’s dad. 

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