It's not a job Tim Baxter ever thought he would have, but after twenty-five years in the broadcasting business he made a career change. As Director of Operations at Oakwood Cemetery in Niagara Falls, New York, Tim says what he really loves is the history.
Some of the famous folks laid to rest at Oakwood include Matthew Webb, the first man to swim the English Channel unaided. He died when he tried to swim the Whirlpool Rapids. Tim says "he ended up in the cemetery instead."
Arguably one of the most famous Niagara Falls daredevils, and the first person to go over the Falls in a barrel and survive is buried at Oakwood-Annie Edson Taylor. She was sixty-three years old when she performed her death defying stunt. Tim points out "her biggest fear was ending up in the poor house and that's exactly what happened, she was put into a grave provided by the cemetery."
There are a number of other prominent people at Oakwood Cemetery. Tours are offered and they are currently looking for docents. More information is available at their website.