Four years ago, Sally Hutton of Williamsville was told she had breast cancer. After surgery and radiation, she is now cancer free--walking through the halls of Roswell today only for check-ups.
But what she still struggles with are skin complications after treatment. So when she saw a flyer in the Women's Resource Center for free makeup and facial classes, she decided to give it a try.
Five months ago, the Resource Center--a place open to all breast and GYN patients and their families in all of Western New York--began the classes specialized for female cancer patients, survivors and even employees.
It was Tom Akers of Renew bath + body who came to Roswell with the idea for these classes. He saw first hand the implications of treatment after seeing his good friend go through chemo and radiation.
Twice a month, a makeup and facial class is offered. Akers heads the facial class and co-worker of his runs the makeup program. They both teach patients why certain products work to fight treatment complications and the importance of using natural ingredients.
Hutton returned for her third time today. She says the classes give her more than just beauty tips. It gives her a sisterhood.
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