

Tight knit group of cancer survivors meet at yarn shop

They chat, snack and sometimes knit.

Once a week a group of ladies meet at Have You Any Wool Yarn Shop on Main Street in Amherst. Between chatting, sacking and catching up, some knitting gets done in these two-hour get togethers.

It's not just the love of knitting that bonds this group. They are all cancer survivors. Shop owner Linda Maslona started it all thirteen years ago. She saw a need and filled it. "Two of the girls that had cancer at the time, and I decided that this was needed so we started a support group, and it's grown from there." Linda said.

Sometimes the knitting takes a back seat to more important things. Elaine Regan has been a part of this group for almost a decade and says what keeps her coming back is "these women, they're great support, we have a good time together and we certainly have a common bond.

Betty Juen had her cancer surgery twenty-eight years ago, she's now ninety-six and she says "I'm thankful I'm here and enjoy the ladies and have a good afternoon."

You can find more information about Have Ewe Any Wool Yarnshop at their website