Remember those thingies that grandma used to make out of plastic canvas and yarn? So does artist Kurt Treeby. That's the medium he chose to recreate the Hydraulic District, not just a building or two-all of it, the way it was.
To create this almost exact replica required a great deal of research. Kurt says "I went to the Buffalo History Museum and found photos of the buildings around the Larkinville Auditorium."
The yarn and plastic canvas masterpiece was six months in the making. The artist's work impressed art lover Leslie Zemsky, so she bought it. She says "people emailed me and said you have to go see this" adding "I look at it as a creative piece of art, incredible craftsmanship and incredible research to make this happen. It's just wow."
Kurt Treeby's work is on permanent display at Larkin at Exchange at 726 Exchange St, Buffalo, NY 14210
You can see more of Kurt Treeby's work at his website.