

This year's mild winter has experts concerned about ticks

This year's mild winter has experts concerned about ticks
and last updated

The temperatures are rising and people are happy to be outside and stretch their legs.

But as more time is spent outdoors, a growing tick population has experts concerned, according to WHAM in Rochester.

According to WHAM, these experts say this year's mild winter prevented a hard freeze, which usually kills off a lot of ticks.

Many of these bugs also carry Lyme disease, so keep an eye out. This is especially important as local warnings of Lyme disease risk increase.

Here are some tips to keep the ticks away:

  • Wear light colored clothing
  • Tuck your pants into your socks
  • Wear white socks so it's easier to see the ticks
  • Clear out mulch piles and grass clippings from the year
  • Cut your grass a little shorter than normal