
Tree crushes a South Buffalo car


Powerful winds throughout western New York uprooted a tree in South Buffalo crushing a car and ripping down power lines. 

One of the many power lines hit a Whitehall resident in the back of the head while he was warming up his car around 7:30 Wednesday morning. 

"I heard this really thundering crack," said Rich Noblett. "It scared the 'you know what' out of me to be honest because it was so loud. I'm four houses down when it went off so it was loud."

A terrifying moment in Noblett's morning routine but those who live on Whitehall experienced anything but a normal morning. 

"High winds apparently knocked down the tree here and took down the power lines." said Battalion Chief Lotocki with the Buffalo Fire Department. "It took down primary lines and all the service cables to the homes on this street."

The tree fell from one side of the street to the other, crushing a red Mazda 3. 

"Just lucky enough it was right in between the time when people leave and go to work like me," said Noblett.

Residents said they're glad to see no one got hurt even though they'll be without power most of Wednesday.

National Grid said power will turn on in phases with the entire street back to full power by 9 p.m.