

Trump calls for investigation into Senator Schumer's Russian ties


President Donald Trump tweeted today New York Senator Chuck Schumer should be investigated for his ties to Russia and Putin.

Trump tweeted: “We should start an immediate investigation into @SenSchumer and his sites to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!”

The tweet was accompanied with a photo of Senator Schumer and Russian President Vladimir Putin eating doughnuts together in 2003.

Schumer respondedshortly, tweeting: “Happily talk re: my contact w Mr. Putin & his associates, took place in '03 in full view of press & public under oath. Would you & your team?”

Schumer recently joined other Democrats in calling for a probe of Trump’s 2016 campaign and any Russian ties. He tweeted: “The bottom line is we have an obligation to get to the truth. We must evaluate the scope of Russia’s interference in our elections.”

Attorney GeneralJeff Session came under fire this week when it was revealed he did not disclose his contact with Russian officials during his confirmation hearing. Sessions recused himself yesterday from any investigation related to Trump’s 2016 campaign and possible Russian connections.