

UB grad aces physics GRE


Buffalo may have a new genius. Geoffrey Fatin, a UB graduate, recently aced a physics test that his mentors say is extremely rare.

The 23-year-old nailed a perfect 990 score on the physics portion of the Graduate Record Examination. Professors say this could just be the tip of the iceberg of what he can show us. Fatin says he took the exam because he needed it to apply to graduate schools for physics and because he hopes to one day teach students of his own. 

"I get a lot of satisfaction from going through complicated subjects with a student," said Fatin. "Finally when they realize some connections you see the light bulb go on. It's really a gratifying experience and brings a lot of satisfaction to me." 

Fatin is applying to graduate schools to pursue a PhD program with interests in both condensed matter and high energy physics.