

University of Rochester Senior: "I do fear for my health."

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Lindsay Wrobel, from Batavia, says she has been on a hunger strike since Thursday and will be until one of the University of Rochester’s professors is removed.

"I'm shaky. My muscles are weak. I found out yesterday I can't use stairs anymore," Wrobel said. 

Dr. Florian Jaeger is at the center of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaining against the University, accusing Jaeger of sexual harassment.

Although Wrobel says she hasn't personally been victim of Florian Jaeger, this issue is near and dear to her heart.  She says she'll continue to go hungry until Dr. Jaeger is fired. 

"He, you know, needs to understand that his in action has direct consequences," Wrobel said.

The school's president, Joel Seligman responded directly to her hunger strike with this statement: "She has every right to express herself as she chooses, but I urged her to put her well-being first. We are carefully monitoring the situation."

Wrobel says she is in contact with doctors and nurses to keep an eye on her health. 

Wrobel is not alone. Hundreds of students have been protesting against Professor Jaeger, including university faculty. Two professors sent a letter to the university's Board of Trustees that read's in part:
"It is with the deepest sadness that we have come to this point, the filing of a formal complaint with the EEOC for failing to act appropriately against a faculty member who has engaged in sexual harassment and has created a hostile environment..." 

In a letter to the campus, President Seligman says in part: "There is no doubt that people will find these allegations disturbing...I would urge you not to reach any conclusions about what may have occurred based on the allegations in the complaint itself or in media reports.