

Airline industry fights to reduce pilot training

Posted 2:24 AM, Dec 05, 2015
and last updated 9:34 PM, Jan 22, 2019

The regional airline industry continues to fight to reduce pilot training requirements, including eliminating 1,500 hours of flight time needed for a commercial pilot license.

Those standards were put into place after a long, hard battle with the Federal Aviation Administration by the families who lost loved ones in the February 2009 crash of Flight 3407, which was caused by pilot error.

In a strong show of support for the standards, Democrat and Republican Congressmen and women are joining together to insist the standards stay in place.

Chris Collins (R-NY27), Brian Higgins (D-NY26), Tom Reed (R-NY23) and Louise Slaughter (D-NT25) released a joint statement saying, "Valuable lessons learned after the [3407] tragedy provided insight into the changes needed and resulted in an improved level of safety for the flying public. We will not stand idle as regional airlines attempt to undermine or dismantle the progress we’ve made nor will we compromise on safety."




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