

Van donated to man with cerebral palsy

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Despite a dreary day, the recipient of a new van, topped with a shiny silver bow, was all smiles.

The smile and van were both a welcome sight for Todd Hutchinson and his family who have dealt with a rocky road recently.

It was on March 7th when Lancaster Police say a silver van crossed the center line and collided with a tractor trailer on Genesee Street near Harris Hill Road.

Hutchinson’s aid and friend was behind the wheel. The wheelchair accessible van was destroyed and the health care worker was killed in the crash.

Lancaster Police are not releasing the name of the Hutchinson’s aid.

“We feel very very bad for the family,” Todd’s sister Suzanne Mark told 7 Eyewitness News. “He was a good friend of Todd’s and a big part of Todd’s life and he was here every day for Todd.”

Just days after that fatal crash, 7 Eyewitness Newswas there as the Hutchinson family worked to piece together what happened and figure out how to move forward.

And after the story aired, Western New York once again stepped up to help. Through the rain West Herr Automotive Grouppresented Hutchinson with a new wheelchair accessible van.

“Todd himself is an inspiration so we heard about the situation and we just felt compelled to be involved,” Scott Bieler told 7 Eyewitness News.

“It was certainly a tragic situation to start with but a good ending for Todd and I’m excited to be here and I’m enthused by his enthusiasm.”

Todd’s sister says she’s still in shock by the generosity and outpouring of support her brother has received since we first shared his story.

As for Todd, he didn’t stop smiling after rolling into his new wheels and he says he has big plans for his ride.

But there are some costs associated with the new van including maintenance and insurance. On Friday, March 25 from 7-10pm a benefit is being held for Todd at Rusty Buffalo. A $25 donation includes drinks, pizza and pop.