

Western New York GOP leaders interview NY27 hopefuls


One by one, the nine candidates vying for a spot on the 27th District of New York ballot filed into Batavia Downs on Tuesday evening.

Behind closed doors, they touted their credentials to the eight county GOP chairs from the 27th District, including Erie County Chair Nick Langworthy.

“I think that we have a great field and I don’t think we’ll have any pure conclusions here today, but this is the first step in the process,” said Langworthy.

Each candidate had 10 minutes to speak, then they answered questions for another 10 minutes. The interviews stretched on for five hours.

Questions pertained to everything from family life, to investments.

With less than 80 days before the November election, the initial rush to choose a candidate has subsided.

Langworthy says no official papers can be filed before the Republican primary on September 13.

Some candidates agree that they’ll back whoever is nominated, others are undecided.

Before any of the nine candidates can get on the ballot, Congressman Chris Collins must still be removed. How the removal will happen remains a mystery, but GOP leaders are considering multiple avenues.

“We are confident there are mechanisms in place to get Congressman Collins’ name off the ballot with his cooperation,” said Langworthy.

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